

John Launer is a doctor, family therapist, educator and writer. His main areas of interest include narrative-based medicine, and clinical supervision for doctors. He works at the Tavistock Clinic in London and the London Department of Postgraduate Medical Education (the London Deanery).

John's current writing projects include a book on the life and ideas of Russian psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein, "Sex versus Survival: The Undiscovered Genius of Sabina Spielrein". For more information, go to Publications. He is also co-editing a book with Lucia Sommers for Springer Publishing on "Clinical Uncertainty in Family Medicine: The Challenge of Engagement".

John has previously published five other books including Narrative-Based Primary Care: a practical guide (Radcliffe) and How Not to be a Doctor, and other essays (Royal Society of Medicine Press). He was a columnist for Doctor and Hospital Doctor for over twenty years, and contributed the Coda column to the international medical journal QJM from 2002 to 2008. He is now a regular contributor to the Postgraduate Medical Journal.


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